Venkatesh Gopal | How do we make MaaS more equitable?

Venkatesh Gopal | How do we make MaaS more equitable?

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Have you ever considered the hidden privilege in your ability to choose how you commute? Whether that be owning a private car, or something as simple as the distance between where you live and public transport or micro-mobility. Our conversation also raises a few questions: Why is mobility as a service important? Is the ideal of a 15 minute city still possible? and, importantly, How do we make mobility more equitable?

Our guest today is Venkatesh Gopal, the Partnerships and Business Development Manager at movmi an award winning boutique agency specialising in Shared Mobility Architecture, in Vancouver.

From selling cars, to doing a career 360 and campaigning for shared mobility options, in Venkatesh's own words: It's not just about getting off the burning train, but figuring out how to stop it.

Movmi's website.